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Typically, Woodrow will be second only to Fern in walking right up to say hi. He is approachable, friendly, and also will offer a kiss if he trusts you. He is a great example of how alpacas develop distinct personalities — his is all about making friends!

You will love Woodrow,
And he will love you right back!
We rescue them. They save us.

Fern and Woodrow are cousins who joined RNR with Gus and Gandalf in 2022. Being a bit younger and more curious, they arrived at the ranch as two-year-olds. While they often stick together, they’re also more adventurous than the older Huacaya alpacas, happily exploring The Acres, their spacious home. 

Woodrow is named after the character from Lonesome Dove, based on a famous rancher and Texas Ranger portrayed by Tommy Lee Jones. He’s a close second to Fern in terms of friendliness and is quickly gaining fans with his own version of “kisses.” He’s quite the handsome fellow, resembling Fern, though their distinct features make it easy for those who know them to tell them apart! Like Fern, Woodrow is curious and enjoys watching people. At night, they make excellent guardians, keeping an eye out for any intruders, such as coyotes. Woodrow’s favorite treat is bite-sized carrots, and he’ll warm up to you immediately if you have some on hand. 

Just a tip: they’re not fans of being patted on the head. And don’t worry—alpacas can’t bite your fingers since they don’t have upper teeth! They both adore water and are not fond of late dinners!

Alpaca Fun Fact:

They have three stomachs, eat grass, and chew cud. They have no upper teeth. Yes, alpacas spit, but usually at other alpacas who might want their food!

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